Justwealth Group Savings Plans
A Digital Plan That Offers:

Free to the Employer
Discounted, low-cost management fee of only 0.40% to the employee

Easy Administration
Simple and convenient online processes
Optional Administration by SEB Administrative Services

Sophisticated Investment Management
Investments managed to a Fiduciary Standard
Automated investment selection & daily monitoring
Employer Benefits
Partner with Justwealth – a regulated Portfolio Manager with a fiduciary duty to act in your Employees’ best interests
Flexible offerings: RRSPs, TFSAs, or both? Voluntary or Mandatory contribution? Matching employer contributions?
Easy set up: Completely online processes
Centralized digital hub personalized to your company
Easy contributions: Optional administration offered by SEB Administrative Services offers direct draw from payroll providers into employee accounts
Getting Started?
Starting from scratch?
Set up is easy – reach out to a Justwealth representative today
Switching Plans?
Justwealth offers easy online transfer of existing accounts
Have an existing Plan?
It costs nothing to add Justwealth to complement your existing plan
Working with a Group Benefits Advisor?
Justwealth has an Advisor Partnership Program to accommodate them
Employee Benefits

The impact of fees on your investment portfolio
Illustrative Impact of Fee Savings on a $30,000 Group RRSP investment with Justwealth

Both calculations assume $30,000 investment in a non-taxable account with a gross return of 6% with annual contributions of $5,000. Savings reflect rounding. Justwealth Total Fee includes discounted management fee of 0.40%, and average ETF management fee of 0.20% for Total Fee of 0.60%. If plan sponsor is working with a benefits Advisor, an Advisor Referral Fee of up to 1.00% may apply in which case illustrated cost-savings would be lower. Traditional group plan fund fee is illustrative based on industry data points.