Introducing Justwealth—a retirement solution for your clients.

Justwealth ranked #1 for performance in the
2022-23 edition of the Globe and Mail Robo-Adviser Guide

Justwealth rated “Overall Best Robo-Advisor for Canadians” in
Moneysense’s Guide to the Best Robo-Advisors in Canada For 2022
The retirement solution offers you an innovative and easy way to add another dimension to your practice without needing to be registered to offer investments.
Justwealth does the heavy-lifting to make it easy for you to add a group retirement plan to your clients’ group benefits solutions. Now you can own your client’s whole benefits spend and deepen your relationship.

Justwealth’s is the exclusive retirement solution integration on the Honeybee benefits application.
Keep it simple—Honeybee plan members get to see all of their benefits in one place.
Justwealth’s retirement solution allows you to offer your clients a solution with advantages that competing Advisors with traditional group plans cannot.

How do the fees work?
Your clients will pay a simple fee that consists of 3-parts:

Total Justwealth Group Retirement Solution Fees Range: 0.85% – 1.60%
Traditional Group Fees: 2.00%+
A Low Fee Solution
Illustrative Impact of a $30,000 Group RRSP Investment with
Justwealth vs Traditional Group Plan
Plan Member Wealth Grows More Quickly with a Justwealth Solution!

Both calculations assume $30,000 investment in a non-taxable account with a gross return of 6% with annual contributions of $5,000. Savings reflect rounding. Justwealth Total Fee includes discounted management fee of 0.40%, an Advisor referral fee of 0.50% and an average ETF management fee of 0.20% for Total Fee of 1.10%. Traditional group fee is illustrative based on industry data points.